We caught up with Meinir McLellan, Swyddog Arholiadau & Rheolwr Data, Exams Officer and Data Manager at Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Myrddin who explained why her school love Edulink One and have used the platform to simplify their MIS system.

The problem

The staff at Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Myrddin felt the Management Information System (MIS) system they were using was too ‘bulky’ and not adequately tailored to meet their teaching requirements. They also found it difficult to navigate to find specific data and modules within the system which hindered their productivity.

Edulink One’s impact

Since implementing Edulink One in September 2023, the teaching staff at Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Myrddin have exclusively used the system to seamlessly take registers for all their lessons and classes. The behaviour and achievement module has also been useful for tracking student progress and has been easy to implement on the platform, and various members of staff use this constantly as they find it easy to use!

Feedback from parent and guardians

The parents at Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Myrddin have found that keeping up-to-date with their children’s progress and attendance has been effortless since the introduction of Edulink One. Parents are able to access their child’s information quickly at any time on their chosen device.

Favourite Edulink One module

Meinir McLellan, Swyddog Arholiadau & Rheolwr Data, Exams Officer and Data Manager had this to say about her favourite Edulink One module

“As a data manager, my favourite part of Edulink One is the documents module as I can upload any documents or reports to the linked documents on our MIS system and then allow our parents, staff and learners to access and view them at my own discretion.”

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