Student Information & SEND
Get instant remote access to all a student’s data including SEND strategies, anytime, anywhere. Find out how it can revolutionise how you work and help your school develop strategies to support each student. View everything from assessment data to behaviour records, medical information to past reports.
Key Benefits
- Easily locate a student if you need to speak to them by viewing their timetable.
- Add achievement and behaviour data to a student’s record on the go.
- Instantly look up data enabling you to get an immediate picture on how that student is progressing.
- Reduces administration time and increases efficiency.
- Revolutionises planning and meetings by enabling more informed conversations.
Access Student Records
Student information at your fingertips:
- Attendance
- Behaviour & Achievement
- Assessments
- Reports and other documents
- SEN strategies
- Homework
- Contact and medical details
- Timetable
SEN Strategies
Instantly access SEN information by simply looking up the student.
Medical Information
Vital medical information is quickly accessible from a student’s file along with contact details.
Discover more
Teaching features
Messaging isn’t the only feature of Edulink One! Edulink One is a comprehensive school engagement portal that transforms how teachers, parents and students engage and share SIMS information, accessible anywhere on any device. Edulink One allows you to take registers, record behaviour & achievement, manage parents evening bookings, access a whole range of data held within SIMS and much, much more!